Origin of Galaxy
Galaxy was first created at the end of January 2017.
The guild was originally created as a 'cool name' for under my IGN, but shortly after creation I had gotten requests from old friends to join as they liked its name.
Fast forwarding a month or two, I decided to take this guild a bit more serious than I had, and promote it on the MapleStory forums.
The guild seemed to be of interest for a lot of newer and older Maplers. Slowly but surely we were building up a small 'family' kind of community.
Due to the guild being fairly popular to the newer or returning Maplers, we decided to revolve around the principle of 'helping eachother' rather than 'being the biggest guild on the Luna server'. Whether we're with 100 or 5 members, we will always revolve around this principle.
The guild grew, grew and grew. Everything looked like it was going perfect and possibly couldnt go wrong, but just like everything in life, nothing lasts forever.
Certain guildy's were losing motivation to start up the game and sooner or later, that happened to me too.
At the end of September 2017, I 'officially' declared the guild as 'dead' and proceeded to play games other than MapleStory.
I tried to 'revive' my motivation to play MapleStory several times, but ended up uninstalling right away, and with that misfortune, the guild actually died as all of its members had left.
Fast forward to the 7th of July 2020, I have taken enough time-off of MapleStory for the game to feel fun to play again and the first thing coming to mind was to revive the guild indefinitely.
I decided I should start things off with a clean slate, meaning a new website, a new forum post and a fresh Guild Board.
As of today, this is where we are; a new website, clean Guild boards and a forum post is on the way.
This is our origin,
This is Galaxy.